Thursday, February 10, 2022

Touch Input goes to Wrong Screen in Windows 10

 I have 2 screens, one is touch and one is not.   Every few months, Windows gets confused and puts the touch input on the non-touchscreen.  I usually spend an hour trying to figure out how to get this back to normal because all of the "fixes" I find with Google are wrong (or no longer apply because of Windows Updates, etc.).   Here is how I can get it to work:

- Use the Search on the Taskbar and type "calibrate"  and you should see "Calibrate the screen for pen or touch input".

- Everything else I found to solve this problem said to type "Tablet" and look for "Tablet PC Settings."  I can't get to this using "Tablet".   I do get "Tablet Settings" but this isn't the same thing and doesn't let you change the input.

- Once you get to the "Calibrate the screen for pen or touch input", it will be the "Tablet PC Settings" dialog and there is a "Setup" button in the Configure area:

- When you press the Setup button, your screens turn white and one will have a message saying "Tap this screen with a single finger to identify it as the touchscreen".  If the message is not on the correct screen (the one with touch input), then press Enter to move through the screens.

- Once you get the message on the right screen and tap with one finger, it will be fixed (until the next time it gets confused).

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Getting other files in ASP.NET Bin Directory when Publishing

I needed additional files in my ASP.NET's Bin directory that were not part of the ASP.NET project itself (they were configuration files and Native .dlls).  I tried various methods from different suggestions, but the solution described here is the only one that worked:

Some of the options that didn't work included marking the files as Content, using Post-Build events to copy your files to the Bin directory.  None of that works on putting them in the Web Deploy Package.

My issue was that my additional files (.dll and .ini) would not make it to the Web Deploy Package.  Getting them into the Folder Profile's output was not an issue.   There does not appear to be a way Visual Studio GUI or in your Project's Solution to make this happened.

You must do the following:

- create your Web Deploy Package.

- show all of the hidden files in the Solution.

- Find the PublishProfiles folder, then find the .pubxml file that corresponds with your Web Deploy Package's profile.

- You must manually insert the highlighted section below into your .pubxml file:

- the location of your extra files is important because the _CustomFiles Include entry specifies the location of those files.  I used  "..\extraFilesForWebDeploy\**\*"   This will get all of the files and subdirectory in a directory called extraFilesForWebDeploy that is at the same directory level as the ASP.NET project's folder. 

- If you just put your files there, they will be put in the ASP.NET's main directory.  To get them in the Bin directory, I had to create a Bin directory in my ExtraFilesForWebDeploy directory and put the files I wanted to be delivered there.

- You must have the CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForMsdeployDependsOn section to get them in the Web Deploy Package.

-The only part that needs to be adjusted for your project is the location of the source files.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Troubleshooting Setting up Oracle 12c R2 and using it with Older Clients

Here are the problems I have every time I setup up Oracle.

Oracle 12c R2 on Windows Server added more complexity than even 12c R1.

1) Windows user name cannot have a space in it.  The Oracle Setup will hang up before it completes (with no explanation).

2) Turn off Password Complexity on Windows Server or Oracle Setup can't create a user for Oracle (if you are wanting it to create a user)

3) In listener.ora and tnsname.ora, change  "localhost" to your machine name or you will not be able to connect from other machines.

4) If you need older clients to connect with Oracle 12c R2, in the sqlnet.ora, you will have to add: 


You can use a different minimum (instead of 8), but this is the lowest.

You will get this error on other machine if this is the case:

ORA 28040: No matching authentication protocol

5) If you have already created users in Oracle before adding the entries to sqlnet.ora, you will have to reset the passwords if you want to connect from the older versions.


You will get the following error until this is done (for no apparent reason):

ORA-01017 Invalid Username/Password 



Friday, January 6, 2017

Welcome to the world of Pluggable Databases in Oracle 12c

I'm new to pluggable databases in Oracle 12c, so I thought I would put my most common problems here in hopes that the solutions might help someone else.

Everything worked fine in my database until I rebooted the machine, and then I got:

ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
01033. 00000 -  "ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress"
*Cause:    An attempt was made to log on while Oracle is being started up
           or shutdown.
*Action:   Wait a few minutes. Then retry the operation.
Vendor code 1033

The problem was that the pluggable databases do not automatically open by default, not that the initialization or shutdown is in progress.  It doesn't matter how long you wait (as directed by the message).

First, you must open the pluggable database to get it running again:

alter pluggable database all open;

I said "all" but you could specify a specific pluggable database.

This will get the database running until you reboot.  If you want it to automatically open, you must save the state:

alter pluggable database all save state;

Again I said "all" instead of the pluggable database name.

The following Ask Tom post goes into more detail on this topic, but it doesn't mention the misleading message you get from Oracle.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Get Schema/DDL from Oracle Data Pump Export

Reposting this from the linked Stack Overflow article because this solutions works well and I want to be able to easily find it again:

impdp '/ as sysdba' dumpfile=<file> logfile=import_log.txt sqlfile=ddl_dump.txt

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Adding more than one Datafile to an Oracle Tablespace

If you need to add an additional data file to an Oracle Tablespace:

size 100m

More info from these posts:

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Problems registering a Windows Phone 8.1 for Development

Why is it that things that should be simple are not.   Connecting my Window Phone to a Windows 8.1 machine to deploy my apps.    So, I installed Zune (???) and the Windows Phone SDK 8.1 (it took hours) and still had errors.   I ran the Windows Phone Registration tool and it consistently fails.  Reboots (phone and computer) do nothing to help, nor do new/different USB cables help.  There are many items out there to help.

This link:

And it leads to this link:

The solution (for me) turned out that I had to manually restart the Windows Phone IP Over USB Service.  It doesn't matter that you just rebooted, and it says it is running.  I got "Unable to connect to a phone. Make sure the Windows Phone IP over USB transport service is running" ever time until I manually restarted it.